Friday, September 30, 2011

I Am...

Hello! My name is Jen and I am...
  • A Mother
  • A Wife
  • A Crafter
  • A Medical Transcriptionist
  • A Launderer
  • A Housekeeper
  • A Chef
  • A Domestic Diva
  • A Head Room Mother
  • A Chauffeur
  • A Repair(wo)man
  • A Loyal Friend
  • A Teacher
  • A Sports Fan
  • A Religious Person
But one thing I am not?



That sucks. BAD. I have it all going for me in my life. It truly is a blessed life! But what good does that do me if I can't enjoy it to the fullest because of my health?

Am I the most unhealthy and overweight person to have embarked on a journey such as this? No. Although, I suppose by medical standards, I am considered obese. Ouch again. I also have borderline high cholesterol, which I get no help with from genetics, so I have to work doubly hard to control that! I also have aching joints and muscles that I just shouldn't have. I'm not even 30. I know it's from all this extra weight I'm carrying around.

So why should you follow my blog? You're probably thinking I'm just some other random shlub with a weight loss blog. Who cares, right? Well, I am feeling this is more of a two way street. I need followers as a source of accountability. Sure I do have a supportive network of family and friends. But there is something to be said about putting it all out there for all to see. There is no place to hide if it's all out there. Plus, I also feel that I want to be a source of inspiration and hopefully even a little bit of entertainment too! We all have the ability to be healthy individuals who enjoy life to the fullest, so it is great that we can all be there for each other!

Tomorrow is October 1, 2011. My official start date of this long, hard, but oh-so-worth-it journey of mine. Stay tuned, as I will be kicking off my journey with quite a BANG!

Welcome To My Journey!

Welcome everyone! I am starting this blog in an attempt to better hold myself accountable for my health! So far, all other methods have had some success, but not many. So I figure, why not enlist the help of the masses to follow my weight loss journey with the final destination being AWESOME health!

Please bear with me as I continue to build this blog. The asthetics will be fine tuned, but the posting will always be stellar!

Thanks for following My Muffin Top Maddness!